During our recent session – Manual Therapy Treatment of the Genitourinary System, we discussed how to treat disorders in the urinary and reproductive systems of both men and women that are contributing to patients’ complaints.  These complaints include not only specific ones related to the function of either system, but also pain in other areas, such as the lower back, ribs, or lower extremities.

This class, held at The Exchange Office Building in Towson, on September 30-October 1, 2023 reviewed the anatomy, embryology, physiology, and pathophysiology of those systems.  Methods to evaluate whether the genitourinary system was contributing to patients’ symptoms and various treatment techniques to correct any biomechanical and visceral restrictions, balance any autonomic nervous system imbalance, and minimize lymphatic congestion were then presented and practiced.

We look forward to presenting the second part of our three-part series on the spine – A Segmental Review of the Spine – Part 2 (T5-L2) that will be held on December 2-3, 2023.