Clinical Decision Making Class Recap
During our recent session – Clinical Decision Making: How To Choose the Best Treatment Path, we took an in-depth look at all of the factors needed for manual therapists to make more effective treatment choices. This class, held at our new location in the Kennedy Krieger Institute International Center for [...]
The Thymus: A Forgotten Immune Cell in Adults
As we battle the cold of winter and the myriad of respiratory infections that are currently around us, I cannot help but think about ways to promote good immune function. Recent research has renewed my interest in the thymus, an organ that sits directly behind the sternum. The thymus [...]
Segmental Review of the Spine – Part 2 Class Recap
During our recent session – A Segmental Review of the Spine – Part 2 (T5-L2), the second part of a 3-part series, we discussed the part each segment of the spine from levels T5-L2 plays in movement and daily activities; autonomic nervous system imbalance; circulation; and [...]
Treatment of the Genitourinary System
During our recent session – Manual Therapy Treatment of the Genitourinary System, we discussed how to treat disorders in the urinary and reproductive systems of both men and women that are contributing to patients’ complaints. These complaints include not only specific ones related to the function of either system, but [...]
Sciatica: Which End of the Lower Quadrant Should You Treat?
Treating patients who complain of sciatica can be daunting as they are often in quite a lot of pain. This higher pain intensity, can be explained, at least in part, by the sciatic nerve possessing a larger amount of ASIC acid-sensing cells than many other nerves. As a result, the [...]
Common Lower Extremity Injuries Class Recap
During our recent session – Manual Therapy Approach to Evaluation and Treatment of Common Lower Extremity Injuries, we discussed how each part of the lower extremity into pelvis and trunk need to function properly and in a coordinated manner. Failure of this process can lead to most of the [...]
Cranial Base to T4 Class Recap
During our recent session – A Segmental Review of the Spine - Part 1 (Cranial Base to T4), the first part of a 3-part series, we discussed the part each segment of the spine from levels C1 through T4 plays in movement and daily activities; autonomic nervous system imbalance; [...]
Cervical Spine Class Recap
The cervical spine is involved with many pain complaints in the neck, upper trunk, head, and upper extremities. It may also be a factor in conditions affecting the heart and respiratory system. During our recent session – Manual Therapy Approach to Evaluation and Treatment of the Cervical Spine, we [...]
2022 Classes Announced
We have an exciting lineup of classes in 2022 - so mark your calendar to plan ahead. Be sure to sign up early - space is limited - and beat the price increases as they get closer. April 30-May 1, 2022 Manual Therapy Approach to Evaluation [...]
Gastrointestinal Class Recap
Gastrointestinal disorders are a common non-musculoskeletal reason why people have pain, systemic inflammation, and difficulty performing their desired activities. Many of these gastrointestinal disorders involve problems with digestion. During our recent session – Manual Therapy Treatment of the Gastrointestinal System – Part 1 (Digestion), we discussed how treating aberrant physiology [...]
New Fascial Considerations Recap
While treatment of fascial restrictions has been a part of manual therapy for years, there has been greater emphasis on joint dysfunctions and muscle tightness. However, recent research findings have suggested that the fascia is playing a much bigger role than previously understood in regard to tissue mobility and restriction, [...]
COVID-19 – Manual Therapy Steps That Can Be Used to Lessen the Effects During or After a Respiratory Infection: A Practitioner’s Guide
During, and especially after the COVID-19 virus has been controlled enough to allow us to resume our normal lives, we may see a slew of patients that present with aching and/or restriction in the upper trunk, neck, and head. Attached you will find a comprehensive guide focused on the treatment to change the [...]
These 3 Simple Techniques Could Save Your Life From a COVID-19 Infection
Below are 3 manual therapy techniques that could save your (or a loved one's) life if you are infected with COVID-19. These techniques were some of the most effective ways to save lives in osteopathic (a whole-body medical approach that uses manual therapy) hospitals during the 1918 Spanish Flu [...]
Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes Class Recap
Many patients with chronic pain complaints have a delayed healing response due to the inability of the body to clean itself up. In order to have proper healing, oxygen and nutrients need to be delivered via the arteries to the irritated tissues and the waste products and inflammatory chemicals need [...]
Fluid Dynamics Class Recap
Many patients with chronic pain complaints have a delayed healing response due to the inability of the body to clean itself up. In order to have proper healing, oxygen and nutrients need to be delivered via the arteries to the irritated tissues and the waste products and inflammatory chemicals need [...]
Treatment of Pelvis Class Recap
Dysfunctions of the pelvis and lumbar spine are one of the most commonly seen areas of problem in manual therapy. In spite of this, it remains one of the areas that is the least effectively treated. It is common to hear patient’s complain that the recently treated lumbopelvic dysfunctions [...]
Respiratory System Disorders Class Recap
Many complaints we see patients have are not purely of musculoskeletal origin. Often the irritation also involves an organ, the nervous system, and/or circulatory congestion. Visceral irritation may be causing pain to occur in a musculoskeletal structure. The reverse may also be true. During our recent session – Treatment [...]
Effects of Diet on Health by Eliminating Chronic Inflammation in the GI Tract
As we enter the new year, many people create New Year’s resolutions to improve their health. This often includes the promise to eat healthier and cut back on calories to lose weight. However, research has shown that overall health, including weight loss, is actually not due to the “calories [...]
In Pain? Don’t Cancel Dinner Plans With Friends!
We have all been in the situation where you are supposed to leave in an hour to meet friends for dinner, but are thinking of canceling because we are just not up to it. You don’t feel like being social because you are having a headache, your knee throbs, [...]
Life’s Best Anti-inflammatories: Nature, Art, Music, and Religion
More and more research is showing that chronic inflammation throughout the body can contribute to poor health outcomes, including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease. To prevent these negative effects or improve those that are present, decreasing whole body inflammation is a must. Read on for some [...]
Having Foot Pain? Trying Going Barefoot!
Many people who are trying to be active have to decrease or even stop their exercise program because of foot pain. Plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and Achilles tendonitis are some of the more common complaints. Often the recommendation from their health professionals is to get a pair of orthotics, [...]
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